Sinkhole Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks to Improve Service Quality


Project Name Sinkhole Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks to Improve Service Quality
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has many low-cost, small sensor nodes capable of transmitting data. The wireless sensor nodes constraints are low communication range, low power supply, low memory, and low computational power. These constraints make this network vulnerable to many attacks, especially the sinkhole attack. Sinkhole attack is a kind of attack in which the compromised node attempts to attract network traffic by advertising its false routing update. One of the effects of a sinkhole attack is that it could launch selective sharing attacks, spoofing attacks and dropping or modified routing data.

It could further use to transmit fake data to the base station. This paper proposed Time-varying Snapshot-based Neighbour-controlled Traffic-centric (TSNT) sinkhole attack detection algorithm in wireless sensor networks to improve service quality and deal with these problems. Using TSNT algorithm, the base station observes the traffic, and in every time frame, it maintains the list of sensor device the packet has travelled.
From this list, the existence of sinkhole is discovered based on a snapshot of the WSN taken in various time frames. Simultaneously, a trusted third party available in the WSN network helps the base station detect sinkhole attack based on data integrity verification using message digest hash.
The experimental result shows that the proposed method detects sinkhole efficiently compared with other existing algorithms.


Using TSNT algorithm, the base station observes the traffic, and in every time frame, it maintains the list of sensor device the packet has travelled. From this list, the existence of sinkhole is discovered based on a snapshot of the WSN taken in various time frames. Simultaneously, a trusted third party available in the WSN network helps the base station detect sinkhole attack based on data integrity verification using message digest hash. The experimental result shows that the proposed method detects sinkhole efficiently compared with other existing algorithms.


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