The project titled as “Patron Complaints Resolving System” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2008 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 as back end which works in .Net framework version 3.5. The coding language used is c# .Net.
The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The customer complaints are accessed by the administrator and assign the complaints to service engineers. The service engineer views the complaints and update the status of the complaint. The project contains administrator, customer and service engineer modules.
The customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in administrator module. The new customers and service engineer profile registration are done first. Whenever the customer logs and enters his complaints, a service engineer is assigned to solve the problem. The service engineer may log into to the site, enter into his login and check for the new complaints.
Then the service engineer attends the complaint and makes service entry details such that the service is finished or not. These details are viewed by the administrator anytime. The new system eliminates the difficulties in the existing system. It is developed in a user-friendly manner. The system is tested with various data samples. After testing process, the system is implemented successfully.
The project aims in managing the hardware service based company activities. The company receives the complaints from the customers. The service manager allocates the complaints to the service engineers. The service engineer receives the complaints and update the status of the complaint to the service manager.
The customer, service engineer, calls entry and service details are maintained in the manual form and it becomes more tedious when the customers and the service calls increases. Hence, a system is proposed to automate all this activities so that when the customer enter his complaint, it is accessed by the administrator and assigned to the service engineer. The service engineer log into to the site and check for the new complaints. Then the service engineer attends the complaint and makes service entry details such that the service is finished or not. These details are viewed by the service manager and the customer. The reports are generated on all these above said operations
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