The project “Online Tours and Travel Management System” has been developed using Microsoft ASP.Net 2008 as front end and MS-SQL Server 2005 as back end. The coding language used is VB .Net.
The project manages vehicles, tours and passenger management through online. The project contains administrator and passenger module. The administrator login to the web site using the username, password and view the passengers registered in the website and view trips announced by the travels company. The passengers can reservation his/her seat and also cancellation can be done. He can view the tour package list and select from the list. The administrator adds package details, trip information and passenger ticket details. The trip visit details are maintained and hence reference can be made in future. The tickets can be cancelled before the time scheduled by travels. The package details like location and facilities arranged can be viewed in the web site and so the web site acts as advertisement portal and tourist information site also.
The ticket is confirmed after the payment is made. Search options are provided so that remaining tickets are also viewed easily. The passengers are alerted with ‘SMS’ along with time remaining for the trip. Various reports are provided in both administrator and passenger modules for easy transaction processing.
The main objectives of this project are
- To maintain vehicles list.
- To maintain tour package list.
- To maintain trip details.
- To maintain customer list.
- To maintain reservation and cancellation details.
- To maintain trip visited details and post in web site.
- To prepare consolidated reports whenever required.
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