The project entitled, “POULTRY VACCINE ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM” has been developed using ASP.NET 2008 as front end and SQL server 2005 as back end.
This is the first extensive software for managing vaccine utilization for poultry farms. It maintains the details of drug components, control of manufacturing the dosage and management of distribution activities.
The system provides previous vaccination history to Poultry field investigator. This system has the feature of “Vaccine Alert” when there is need for vaccination and online purchase of medicine. This system maintains the details of weekly summary of cleaning chemicals, medicines, vaccines, water sanitizer and production detail.
Poultry vaccine system maintains separate grade for individual farms. The grade will calculated from mortality ratio, cost of feed and medicine cost. Those details are ended by the investigators and the grade will automatically produced by this system.
Vaccine system covers all the tasks starting from the new registration up to investigation by the doctor and maintenance. It contains facility to store current as well as previous records.
The proposed system is designed to computerize medicine vaccine details. This system has the facility of purchase and farm detail maintenance. Registration of new cases and test records is possible. Separate record is maintained for storing various type of medicine and vaccine given to the chicks.
This system provides message alert to the farm owners at the time of vaccination. Proper guidance for purchasing medicine and vaccine in correct quantity will provide by the system.
Grade calculation is done automatically. Production detail and medicine details are maintained separately.
- Administrator Module maintains all details about the medicine and farm owners.
- Case Registration Module is used to update the current vaccination history.
- Vaccine Alert Module send periodic message.
- Purchase Module it gives online purchase facility.
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