Cooperative Bank Loan Management System VB.Net / SQL-Server


Project Name Cooperative Bank Loan Management System VB.Net / SQL-Server
Front End  VB.Net
Back End SQL Server 2005

The project titled “COOPERATIVE BANK LOAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS” has been designed using Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2008. The coding language used is VB.Net. The back end used is MS SQL Server 2005.

Co-operative bank, in a nutshell, provides financial assistance to the people with small needs to protect them from the debt trap of the moneylenders. It is a part of vast and powerful structure of co-operative institutions which support the backbone of country ie., agriculture. The part of the money is collected from the members of the co-operative banks which also has president, vice president and other board members. The banks provide  crop loans, jewel loans, personal loans and mortgages loans. The software is designed to maintain the details of account holders,  loan, deposits, payments and receipts. The software has the modules for account holders, only the account holder can do any transaction in the bank. The account holder can avail loans, deposit amount. The payments made  i.e.,  loan account or savings accounts are also maintained. The repayments done for the loan account are maintained in the receipts module. The deposits made by the account holders are also maintained with the maturity amount and date of maturity.

The software generates reports on account holders, deposits made on different schemes, various loans availed, payments issued and receipts. The reports provides a very informative list so that the managers are able to view the status of the overall bank activities. The system is tested with various data samples and the reports are verified with the manual records. Overall, the software makes the process very simple for day to day activities.

Co-operative bank, in a nutshell, provides financial assistance to the people with small means to protect them from the debt trap of the moneylenders. It is a part of vast and powerful structure of co-operative institutions which support the backbone of country ie., agriculture. The part of the money is collected from the members of the co-operative banks which also has president, vice president and other board members. The banks provide  crop loans, jewel loans, personal loans and mortgages.


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