Co-Operative Bank Management System


Project Name Co-Operative Bank Management System
Front End 
Back End

The existing system is a manual process. The action is regarding system maintenance is recorded manually. It is computerized using VISUAL BASIC.NET as FRONT END and SQL-SERVER as BACK END.

The backend Ms-Access can store the computer details of Account, Customers, Deposit and Withdrawal. That is like Account no, Account Details, Customer No., Customer Details, etc. Can allow the user to modify, delete, and view any particular record without any difficulties. The system should provide necessary security features to maintain the records officials. All the reports can be provided with necessary information and are generated for managerial purpose.

Prominent benefits of the new system are:

  1. Easy to keep record of transaction.
  2. Provides user friendly entry screen to the end user as GUI based application.
  3. The deposit and withdrawal transactions can be done quickly.
  4. Accounts maintenance will be easy and accurate.
  5. Reports are quickly available to the user.

The major reports that are produced using the Systematic banking project are

  1. Customer
  2. Balance
  3. Payment
  4. Receipt
  5.  Subsidy collections
  6. Report


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