Due to its continuously increasing occurrence, more and more families are influenced by diabetes mellitus. Most diabetics know little about their health quality or the risk factors they face prior to diagnosis. In this study, we have proposed a novel model based on data mining techniques for predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The main problems that we are trying to solve are to improve the accuracy of the prediction model, and to make the model adaptive to more than one dataset. Based on a series of preprocessing procedures, the model is comprised of two parts, the improved K-means algorithm and the logistic regression algorithm.
The Pima Indians Diabetes Dataset and the Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis toolkit were utilized to compare our results with the results from other researchers. The conclusion shows that the model attained a 3.04% higher accuracy of prediction than those of other researchers. Moreover, our model ensures that the dataset quality is sufficient. To further evaluate the performance of our model, we applied it to two other diabetes datasets. Both experiments’ results show good performance. As a result, the model is shown to be useful for the realistic health management of diabetes.
The purpose of this study is to provide a different approach in dealing with cases of diabetes, that’s with data mining techniques PCA-LRM logistic regression algorithm to predict and analyze the risk of diabetes that is implemented in the mobile framework. The dataset used for data modelling using logistic regression algorithm. Attributes obtained from the Hospital Laboratory have 11 attribute, with remove 1 attribute that is the medical record number so it becomes 10 attributes.
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