This project is entitled as ‘Parcel Booking and Tracking System for ST Courier’. The system is used for daily activities such as booking a courier, maintaining employee details, process payroll of employees, maintain hub details, maintain company details etc,. It also maintains the activities such as non delivery, out return, and pickup centers. It is very difficult to do this process manually. Hence it is recommended to computerize the process by developing the relative software as the world is turning into information and technology.
The project consists of four main modules such as administrator, courier, employee and customer. Administrator module deals the information such as employee registration , preparing pay slip , view salary details of particular month, getting query from customer and report back to the customer. Courier module contains bookings, incomings, out returns, no delivery, hub rates, and pickup centers details. Employee form contains the different text fields, list boxes and buttons to enter the details like employee number, name, and address, date of join, assigned area, and phone number. Payroll form deals details like employee number, name, incentives, advances, net salary.Customer module deals with the details about customer who are booking the parcel, allows to view the booked courier, permitted to send complaint to admin and view the report against complaint from admin.
The project has been developing Microsoft ASP.Net 2008 as front end and SQL Server 2005 as backend . the coding language is Visual Basic.NET.
This project deals with the ‘Parcel Booking and Tracking System for ST Courier’. The system is used for daily activities such as booking a courier, maintain employee details, process payroll of employees, maintain hub details, maintain company details etc,. It also maintains the activities such as non delivery, out return, and pickup centers. It is very difficult to do this process manually. Hence it is recommended to computerize the process by developing the relative software as the world is turning into information and technology
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